Monday, February 25, 2008

To be or not to be

Definitely not to be...

I'm taking back the verb. After the discussion in class on Saturday, I reviewed my writing for "to be" offenses. I found it in a few cases. Despite my efforts not to use it, it still occurs in my writing, usually the result of laziness, rather than a conscious choice.

Lately, I've become weary at work because I constantly edit "to be"-riddled writing. It's a highly contagious epidemic. It seeps into my brain without my consent and wraps its lazy tentacles around my thoughts, draining the life from my writing and replacing it with a colorless verb wasteland.

But already today, through my efforts to fight the laziness, my writing shows bursts of color and interest. I almost forgot the feeling of painting a written picture, but three weeks into grad school, it seems, it's back.

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