Thursday, May 8, 2008

LOST theory

Here's the link to the (insanely long) theory I was talking about in class on Saturday. This person apparently, has lots of free time. I'm jealous.

LOST theory


Markorama said...

way too much time on his hands.

Markorama said...

OK after last night maybe that guy is closer than I thought. I dont' know what was stranger Richards visits to Locke as a child or Claire and Christian being in the cabin.

Is Claire already dead?

CK said...

I think Christian and Claire are both dead and Jacob is using them as vessels. Richard is either immortal or a time traveler. Given the whole direction the show has been going, I'd say it's the latter. And why wasn't Christian wearing his usual suit and white sneakers last night?

WTH? Move the island?? Good grief. And suddenly, the island is days ahead of real world time when before (when they launched the rocket) it was 30 minutes behind. Clearly time and space are completely relative on the island.

Did you also notice that Horace said he'd been dead for 12 years? Danielle's been on the island for 16. How did she survive the purge? There's something weird going on there.

Markorama said...

I didn't even notice the thing with Horace, he didn't survive the purge because he was in the pit with everyone else.

What about the black orderly (albon?) Is he an other?

CK said...

Abbadon (or however you spell his name) was the guy who visited Hurley in the mental hospital in the flash forward. He's also the guy who hired the people for Widmore's boat. I would guess he's working for Widmore and he's not an Other.