Friday, May 16, 2008

Ah, summer.

As much as I liked this class, I'm glad the semester is almost behind me. I learned a lot and have a few new portfolio pieces. However, I'm looking forward to relaxing. At least for the week and a half between the end of Words & Images and the beginning of Hypermedia.

Stuff I'll be doing between doing lots nothing:
  • Sleeping
  • Cracking open a bottle of good wine and reading the stack of magazines I've neglected for months
  • Painting and drawing outside on the deck
  • Going somewhere for Memorial Day weekend
  • Cleaning out my closet - it's time to make room for new stuff!
  • Shopping for deck furniture
  • Catching up with friends
  • Watching the entire DVRed season of LOST


Markorama said...

that reminds me, why do I have to wait 2 weeks for the finale? That's not cool at all. Though they did a good job building it up and seperating all the oceanic 6.

I think Jin really is a dead man.

Sun seems hell bent on avenging him, and she mention her father was 1 of 2 people responsible, who the other one? Michael? Widmore?

eyerebecca said...

On Lost: I finished re-watching my seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. My DVR erased what I had of season 3! But that's okay. My birthday is next Thursday (by the way: uber upset about not being able to watch the finale ON my birthday...) and I am hoping for season 3 as a giftie...

On the class: Of course I'm happy it's over with - all that work! I am glad I can put a notch on my belt for taking the "hardest" grad class of the program. The rest is easy-going. Right?

Unfortunately, I will get not such relaxing break next week, well sorta. Gotta drive to VA Beach on memorial day weekend for a wedding. Talk about a mixed bag!

See you in Hypermedia :)

Markorama said...

Rebecca + Christie would both be loving this conference FYI but hey I got to see a no hitter at fenway park tonight, if you don't know how insanely rare and awesome that is ask a dude - blog w/pics to come