OK so I am now signed up for Media Design AND Motion Graphics, are you sure Motion Graphics is the right one? I'm just going to drop one of them once I figure it out
I'm positive. I talked to the Motion Graphics instructor, who said that Media Design focuses on concept (and the class description is a little confusing), not software and concept (you can use iMovie or whatever). Motion graphics is flash. I think Stacey took it last fall, so you could talk to her, too.
Writer/designer/artist living in South Central, PA (I like to call it the extended Baltimore suburbs). Currently pursuing a master's degree in design at the University of Baltimore
Started as "Project Green" for my first class in grad school. Now it's turned into a running commentary of my creative process (which is somewhat unhinged at times- read at your own risk). It also houses some portfolio pieces, mainly those created for classes.
Hey, I found an easy way to capture audio clips
I love your illustration. Fabulous. :)
OK so I am now signed up for Media Design AND Motion Graphics, are you sure Motion Graphics is the right one? I'm just going to drop one of them once I figure it out
I'm positive. I talked to the Motion Graphics instructor, who said that Media Design focuses on concept (and the class description is a little confusing), not software and concept (you can use iMovie or whatever). Motion graphics is flash. I think Stacey took it last fall, so you could talk to her, too.
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