I intended to come home tonight and work on my projects, but my brain is burning and there is no way that any good ideas are going to come out of it tonight. So, I gave myself a break and continued on my creativity challenge. Here's the result-it's colored pencil, not a medium I'm all that used to, but I'd like to learn more about it (and get better quality pencils).
I'm feeling (slightly) better about the flash project. I have to finish my illustrations and I think I'm going to change my song to Dave Matthews "The Space Between." I find it more appropriate for my story. Speaking of my story, I know my storyboard was a little cryptic, so here's the gist-
Girl needs a dress for her fiance's birthday, which is one day away. She finds the dress in the store window, buys the dress, puts on the dress and goes to visit her fiance's grave. It is the first birthday he's had since his death and it's her way of celebrating and remembering him. Morbid, I know, but I'm making it work.
Project six doesn't seem too scary. Pretty easy actually. It's just going to be a matter of finding time to actually do the work and also, you know, sleep and eat. I may be forced to regress to my undergrad tactics of putting on a pot of coffee at midnight and plowing through my work until 5 am. I'm not sure I could handle that anymore. I guess I should probably just focus on my time management skills.
Lucy is just as adorable in colored pencil as she is on film!
Let me know how the pot o' joe works out for you. Last week I was up until about 3:30 am before class. That was rough. I hope never to revisit that. If you're there, my deepest sympathies go out to you!
You have to do the other dog now or it will get a complex
So far, no pot o' joe needed, but that might change tonight. After all, LOST comes back on tonight and the world stops when that's on.
Mark, Stella won't be getting a complex any time soon- we have a friend painted a HUGE painting of her and we have that hanging up in the apartment. It's above the cabinets in the kitchen and it appears as though she is surveying her kingdom. She's the queen and she knows it. :-)
Uh, yeah. I haven't had my coffee yet (clearly the pot o' joe is needed in the mornings...). That sentence should read "a friend painted..." not "we have a friend painted..." Nice.
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